
You Don’t Need To Hire An Advisor… Things You Can Do Away From The Rink To Improve Your Game

By Andrew Trimble

Driveway & Off Ice Stickhandling Drills

Driveway drills can improve your stickhandling, eye/hand coordination and shot power and accuracy, by using everyday tools that can be found in your basement or garage.

Stickhandle with golf balls, tennis balls, shoot on your own net, use your rollerblades or don’t…. but find ways to improve your puck skills off the ice. Click on the below video for some ideas…

Cardio Conditioning

Get in great shape away from the rink! Cardiovascular fitness and being in better shape than your competition will give you an advantage every single time you step on the ice. Do this on off days or right after your in season practice! Check out these youtube clips for ideas.

Strength Training

If you don’t have access to the gym or are maybe a little young to begin working out with weights, research and begin some body weight and basic strength training exercises that focus on developing the athlete’s total body.  YouTube some clips and incorporate this into your daily routine. Click on this video for some basic ideas.

 Video Analysis

All player’s love to see their skills in action.  Use your smart phone, camera, or video device can be used to correct some of the weaknesses in your player’s game. Have your parents record you playing and watch it back. You’ll see mistakes or different plays you could have made.

Or use some of the great online resources that are available to increasing your hockey knowledge, not just hockey highlights. Here is one resource you can use. Click on Link- The Hockey Think Tank – YouTube

Off Ice Shooting

All of the best players in the world shoot off the ice. Its an incredible simple and cost- effective way to enhance a specific part of your game. Check out this video from #7 overall NHL pick Alexander Holtz (2020 draft) shooting off the ice.