
Trimble’s Drill of the Week – 2 v 2 Continuous Drill

2 v 2 Continuous Drill

Forwards are positioned at the hash marks at each end. Defenseman are located in the neutral zone near the redline.

1 whistle to start the drill, but then the drill runs continuously without whistles.

Forwards will attack the far net against 2 defenders (1 puck is used throughout).

Once the group of 4 passes the redline, two new defenseman will step out the blueline and be ready to take the next 2 v2 headed in the opposite direction.

2 v 2 is played out in zone until their is some kind of result. Goal- Puck in netting- or defenseman make a play win the puck, and pass to the next group of forwards positioned at the blueline.

Great drill for game like sequences and conditioning. Creating off the rush in an even-man scenario.

Reinforce good habits like stick on puck, compete level, getting off the walls on the breakout, stopping on the net, and much more.