
Trimble’s Drill of the Week – 1 v 1 Net Tag

1 v 1 Net Tag

Really fun drill and good for all ages in a skills practice or station based practice

  • Place the nets about 6 feet apart facing one another. Have Player 1 with the puck start off in between the nets and Player 2 without a puck outside of the nets.
  • On the whistle Player 1 has to try to keep the puck, and Player 2 has to try to steal it. All players have to stay close to the nets (within 3 feet) and can go around either net at any time.
  • Drill develops angling, defending and stick checking skills for the player without the puck, and works on edges, puck skills, evasive manuevers, body positioning and puck protection for the player with the puck.
  • ENJOY!