
Trimble’s Drill of the Week – Regroup 2 v 1 

Regroup 2 v 1 Drill

  • Forwards positioned on the bluelines/ Defenseman off to the side
  • On Whistle Defenseman steps out and calls for the puck from the far blueline set of forwards. Long pass to the D calling for the puck starts the drill.
  • Regroup with the first D. Swinging with speed and at a good angle to receive a pass.
  • Regroup a 2nd and then 3rd time, so that when you collect the puck the attacking group of forwards are going against the far defenseman (opposite the one you began the drill with).
  • 2 v1 on goalie. Practice good habits forwards- bring pucks to the net/ stop on the net. D’s play it out game-like.
  • Drill sequence begins on whistle when new Defenseman steps out to replace D who took 2 v 1 rush and calls for the puck from opposite blueline forward group.
  • Watch video to learn more and see it in action!