
Trimble’s Drill of the Day – Slalom Skating/ Skills Warmup

Trimble's Drill of the Day - Slalom Skating/ Skills Warmup - The Hockey Focus

Trimble’s Drill of the Week- Slalom Skating/ Skills Warmup

Simple warmup to do at a clinic, camp or a skills practice with your teams to get a lot of kids moving and a high volume of repetitions.

Trimble's Drill of the Day - Slalom Skating/ Skills Warmup - The Hockey Focus

Position 6-8 cones staggered up the left and right side of the ice with space in the middle. Coming out of the corners, players will perform a specific skill or execute a simple maneuver around the cones, and then complete another skill on the straight away down the middle of ice. Some variations I use (but there are many more and all could be carrying a puck) include:

  • Tight Turns around the cones- Full Speed straightaway down the middle
  • Inside Edges only around the cones- Backwards down the middle
  • Outside Edges only around the cones- Knee touches while handling the puck down the middle
  • Mowhawks (inside edges/open hips) around the cones- Forwards to 360s at the bluelines
  • Forward to Backward (always facing the middle) around the cones- Scooters- Quick Dribbles stickhandling in front of your body down the middle

Mix up your skills and keep it fresh, encourage good technique and to play with your head up!

ENJOY. Below is a video.