
StallTalk EP056 | Rainer’s Incredibly Rude Comment About Gresko

#StallTalk EP056 – This week’s episode of #StallTalk, Rainer & Pauly sit down and talk about a bunch of things ranging from golf to there recent outing to Red Wing, MN. The boys discuss there recent round, share there overall thoughts and the shenanigans that took place. No Rainer’s Rankings this week, but a fun episode fulled of discussions so make sure to share and as always, thanks for listening!

Follow Us on Twitter:
Gresko: @greskoTJHP
Pauly: @paulyson24
Rainer: @RLGIII

We hope that you guys enjoy this episode. If you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to DM us on twitter @StallTalkPod or Email us: