
Quotes from Coaches on Junior Tier Classifications

Quotes from Coaches on Junior Tier Classifications - The Hockey Focus

Here are some recent quotes and observations about the level of play and Tier classification of Junior leagues in the United State, Canada and in particular the leagues based on the East Coast.

I believe we (EHL) should be categorized as Tier 2… They don’t realize… level of play. They also don’t realize the difference between the leagues and how we market our players and the level of care we have for our players

Thank you,

Sean Bertoni- Worcester Railers NCDC – January 2023

EHL had 19 teams and 170 NCAA III commits = 8.95 players per team

NAHL had 29 and 106 NCAA III commits = 3.66 players per team

NCDC 14 teams and 108 NCAA III commits = 7.71 players per team

With these stats above outlined – we are 100 % a Tier II league especially with all their player movement since most of these team in the non-pay-to-play model – go approximately over 45 players per season.

Eric Lind- CT Roughriders EHL 

What I try to do when explaining to players how this league (EHL) measures to others, is by using the Canadian leagues in the CJHL, such as OJHL, CCHL, NOJHL, etc. Those leagues identify as Tier 2 in some capacity within Canada Hockey, which does put them at a higher consideration compared to NA3HL or USPHL P. I think in order for us (EHL) to recognize ourselves as Tier 2, we need something to separate ourselves from Tier 3, that is easily explainable or marketable to players around. Whether it’s increasing the yearly commitment advertisements, having lower costs (hard to do), pushing a way to increase Division 1 commitments, or anything possible to have the general public start to recognize this league as a higher league than Tier 3. 

Cody Gonyeau- Boston JR Terriers EHL Head Coach (now Boston Dogs NCDC)- January 2023

NCDC is tier II because they market it as such.  Even though, (no tuition but 10k in camps, fees, travel, inflated rents, etc.) it is a d3 league. 

Greg Hefferan- Head Coach CT Nor’easters EHL

Not enough people are familiar enough with the level of play at the NCDC vs EHL vs Premier vs NA3HL in order to make decisions. I believe the marketing and positioning of the leagues as feeder systems to Tier 2 has substantially helped teams in the NA3HL and USPHL Premier. I do not believe we should lose recruits to our Tier III competition based on how well the EHL is ran operationally, level of play, and direct to NCAA advancements. 

I truly believe that someone not playing in the USHL, NAHL, BCHL and AJHL should be competing in the Eastern Hockey League. 

James Mello- Head Coach HC Rhode Island EHL

By Andrew Trimble