
Leave Evgeny Alone!

Leave Evgeny Alone! - The Hockey Focus

I’m going to be honest… I love watching 3 on 3 OT hockey more so than any shootout. But that doesn’t mean I dislike watching a shootout when it happens. There is an art to being able to take a shootout attempt, and the top players in the league all have their preferences.

One that some people won’t get over and is causing some uproar around the internet is the “Kuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzentsov” (see I made a pun before I even gave an example. 2 points!)

The attempt alone sprung up posts like this one from former NHL referee Tim Peel:

Leave Evgeny Alone! - The Hockey Focus

This is such a brutal take by Tim, it’s pretty much killing me so much that I had to write about it.

Of all the things that are important to Colin Campbell and the NHL Department Of Hockey Operations ( not Pride Nights, head shots, the Leafs sucking and Mike Babcock, etc.), THIS… A SHOOTOUT MOVE…. IS GOING TO BE A HOT TOPIC?!?!

This tweet/video by Mike Kelly was a fantastic little dive into why its been so effective for Kuznetsov:

So I ask… why can’t we just leave Evgeny (and his shootout move) alone?