
Get To Know The Late Arrivals Podcast Crew


I’m 29 years old. Growing up in Northern California, I wasn’t much of a hockey fan. But when I moved to Southern California in March of 2015, I was flipping through the channels on tv one night and stumbled on a Ducks game. I was instantly hooked. So hooked, I was able to get tickets to games 1 and 2 against Winnipeg, and the clinching game 5 against Calgary. After that season that tragically got cut short, I decided I needed season tickets and been a Ducks season ticket holder ever since!


25 years old and I have lived in Southern California my entire life. I was raised to be an Anaheim sports fan and have been supporting the Ducks since birth. I went to my first ever hockey games during the 01-02 season, but my first true memories of Ducks hockey were during the 02-03 season and the entire run to the Cup Final that followed. I have been hooked since. I grew up playing both baseball and hockey, although truthfully I was better at the former and played into college. I am also a huge Angels and Rams fan, fantasy sports junkie, as well as having a passion for music and playing guitar. 


I’m Jake. I really didn’t get into hockey until my senior year of high school. I had been to games growing up but grew up mainly playing/ attending baseball games. Something about hockey really caught my eye and after years of trying to convert me, my friends took me to a game in early 2015 and I was hooked. At 19, I took a step out of my comfort zone and began playing hockey. I made the very poor financial choice of choosing to be a goalie with absolutely zero prior skating experience but it’s a decision that I’d say was one of my better ones in life. I’m still sticking with it at 25 years old and enjoying every minute of it. Off the ice, I mainly just hang out playing video games when I have time to and I enjoy listening to podcasts. Last Podcast on The Left was a big inspiration for getting into podcasting with my pals and like learning goaltending, I wouldn’t trade learning something new and having fun for anything! 


Im Chris. I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY. My dad introduced me to hockey at the age of four and I played when I was five. Haven’t played since then so i can no longer skate…lol. If you listen to our episodes, I usually make fun of myself for it. My parents tried to turn me into a Sabres fan, but I chose the Ducks. I have been a Ducks fan since the age of five. The Sabres will always have a place in my heart though! About to age myself here, but I’d be lying if I said the Mighty Ducks movies didn’t have an impact on my decision. I am the lone resident of Arizona within the podcast crew. So, now the Coyotes have a special place in my heart as well. I’ve been sitting on the idea of starting a hockey podcast with my friends for almost two years…finally had the guts to ask them this summer and now the pod has been going for two months so far! I am very excited to see not only the Late Arrivals Podcast grow but also The Hockey Focus Network. I hope everyone enjoys the LAP content! Go Ducks!