
College Hockey Recruitment: Navigating the Scouting and Recruiting Process for Young Players and Parents

For young hockey players with aspirations of playing at the college or professional level, understanding the scouting and recruiting process is essential. Navigating this process can be complex and overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and preparation, young players and parents can maximize their opportunities. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the scouting and recruiting process, equipping young players and parents with valuable insights and guidance.

Importance of Early Preparation: 

It is never too early to start preparing for the scouting and recruiting process. The earlier young players and parents familiarize themselves with the process, the better equipped they will be to make informed decisions and take advantage of opportunities.

Building a Strong Hockey Profile: 

Creating a strong hockey profile is crucial to catch the attention of scouts and recruiters. Consider the following elements:

  • Skills and Performance: Develop and showcase hockey skills through training, games, and tournaments. Strive for consistent and exceptional performance.
  • Statistics and Achievements: Keep track of statistics, goals, assists, and other notable achievements. These numbers can provide evidence of capabilities and impact on the game.
  • Video Highlights: Compile video highlights showcasing skills, game performance, and versatility. Highlight videos are invaluable tools for recruiters to evaluate abilities.
  • Player Profile and Resume: Create a comprehensive player profile and resume that includes academic information, hockey accomplishments, coach references, and contact details.

Researching Colleges and Programs: 

Thorough research is essential to identify potential colleges and hockey programs that align with goals and aspirations. Consider factors such as:

  • Academic Fit: Evaluate academic programs and opportunities offered by different colleges, ensuring they match educational goals.
  • Hockey Programs: Research hockey programs of interest, including coaching staff, team success, playing style, and player development philosophy.
  • College Size and Location: Consider factors such as college size, location, campus environment, and proximity to home. These aspects can impact overall college experience.

Communication and Outreach: 

Active communication and outreach are crucial to gain visibility and attract attention from college coaches and scouts. Consider the following strategies:

  • Personalized Emails: Craft personalized and professional emails introducing yourself to college coaches. Express interest in their program and provide relevant details about hockey accomplishments.
  • Attending Camps and Showcases: Participate in college camps, showcases, and tournaments where college coaches and scouts are present. These events provide valuable opportunities for exposure and interaction.
  • Unofficial Visits: Plan unofficial visits to colleges of interest. This allows touring the campus, meeting with coaches, and gaining a deeper understanding of the program.

Academic Preparation: 

Maintaining strong academic performance is crucial for college recruitment. College coaches prioritize student-athletes who excel both on the ice and in the classroom. Focus on:

  • Academic Standards: Understand academic requirements set by college athletic associations such as the NCAA.
  • GPA and Standardized Tests: Aim for a strong GPA and prepare for standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT, to meet eligibility requirements.

NCAA Eligibility and Clearinghouse: 

Familiarize yourself with NCAA eligibility requirements and the clearinghouse registration process. These steps are crucial for players who wish to compete at NCAA-affiliated schools.

Showcasing Character and Work Ethic: 

Character and work ethic are essential qualities that college coaches look for in recruits. Showcasing commitment, discipline, teamwork, and a positive attitude both on and off the ice can make a significant impression.

The scouting and recruiting process can be a transformative journey for young players and parents. By understanding the importance of early preparation, building a strong hockey profile, conducting thorough research, actively communicating with college coaches, maintaining academic excellence, and showcasing character and work ethic, young players can position themselves for success in the recruiting process. Remember, the process requires patience, perseverance, and proactive engagement. Stay focused, maintain a strong work ethic, and seize every opportunity to demonstrate skills and potential to college coaches and scouts.