Trimble’s Drill of the Week- Lo/ Hi 2v 1
Great drill for a station, in a small area and to make competitive
- Position your forwards in opposite corners, and your defenseman above the top of the circles in the middle of the zone. Goalie in net
- On the whistle for a set duration of time (1 min, 2 min etc) begin the drill 2 v 1 out of the corner (1 forward low and the other high).
- Defenseman will try to clear the puck and goalies stop the puck. When their is some kind of result to the chance, the low player who started the drill will swing to the other corner and become the high player and begin a new 2 v1 out of the corner.
- Defenseman will take a 2 v1 from each side before going to the end of the line and a new D jumping in.
- Play it for time and for goals scored. For example 4 goals in 2 minutes otherwise the forwards do 10 pushups. If more than 4 goals, goalies and D do pushups.
- Drill is a game situation drill that reinforces good habits both offensively and defensively.